- lockout
- n.any situation in which the normal operation of a lock or cylinder is prevented
Locksmith dictionary . 2014.
Locksmith dictionary . 2014.
Lockout — ist der englische Ausdruck für Aussperrung. Er wird im deutschen Sprachraum gelegentlich verwendet, um entsprechende Aktionen im nordamerikanischen Profisport zu bezeichnen, zum Beispiel in der NBA oder NHL. Ein Lockout ist eine Aktion seitens… … Deutsch Wikipedia
lockout — lock·out / läk ˌau̇t/ n: the withholding of employment by an employer in order to gain concessions from or resist demands of employees Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. lockout … Law dictionary
Lockout — may mean:* Lockout (industry), a work stoppage in which an employer prevents some or all employees from working * Lockout (telecommunication), a system to prevent unwanted signals * A daytime period in some hostels during which guests are… … Wikipedia
Lockout — Lock out , n. The closing of a factory or workshop by an employer, usually in order to bring the workmen to satisfactory terms by a suspension of wages. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
lockout — also lock out, act of locking out workers, 1854, from LOCK (Cf. lock) (v.) + OUT (Cf. out) … Etymology dictionary
lockout — ► NOUN ▪ the exclusion of employees by their employer from their place of work until certain terms are agreed to … English terms dictionary
lockout — [läk′out΄] n. the refusal by an employer to allow employees to come in to work until agreement is reached, as on contract terms … English World dictionary
lockout — /lok owt /, n. the temporary closing of a business or the refusal by an employer to allow employees to come to work until they accept the employer s terms. [1850 55; n. use of v. phrase lock out] * * * Tactic used by employers in labour disputes … Universalium
Lockout — Lock out auch: Lock|out 〈[ aʊt] n. 15〉 Aussperrung (von Arbeitern) [zu engl. lock out „ausschließen, aussperren“] * * * Lockout [engl.], sperren. * * * Lock|out [lɔk |aʊt], das, (auch:) der; [s], s, (selten:) die; , s [engl. lockout, zu: to… … Universal-Lexikon
lockout — (1) A prohibition, usually, but not always, for a specified period of time. For example, a prohibition against prepayment of a loan. (2) The period of time before a REMIC investor will begin receiving principal payments. American Banker Glossary… … Financial and business terms
lockout — on the lockout to keep a (sharp) lockout for … Combinatory dictionary